A Brief Description and Brochure

If you would like a brochure in the pdf format please click below

It is important to note that as a place of worship, the Meeting House may be required at short notice for funerals and memorial meetings. In practice this rarely happens. We therefore reserve the right to cancel a booking in such circumstances, but will give as much notice as possible. Rooms may have to be changed, for example to allow work to be carried out. This will be discussed with the user.

Kitchen Use of this area should be agreed at the time of booking. There is no charge for the use of the kitchen. Please make sure you wash up thoroughly, leave the room clean and tidy. You will need to provide your own tea towels. Please respect that any tea, coffee, etc in the cupboards is not for general use. For safety reasons should the washing machine need to be used permission should be obtained beforehand. Permission should be gained before leaving anything in the fridge, which should be labelled and dated.

Preparation and clearing up The time booked should include setting up and clearing away by the user. Each group is responsible for arranging the room as it wishes. Please leave all rooms as you would wish to find them, including sweeping or vacuuming the floor if necessary.

Accessibility The Meeting room and Social room are accessible to wheelchair users and toilet facilities are available for disabled people. There is also a nappy changing facility.

Parking Parking on the green, and the drive access which is used by neighbours, or in front of a garage is not permitted. Disabled badge holders can park with permission near the gates.

There are limited storage facilities available at the Meeting House. Regular users may be allocated a lockable unit.We cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to personal effects, property or equipment of users left in the building.

Personal possessions When using the building, please do not leave valuables unattended. We cannot be held responsible for theft or damage.

Smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs and gambling are not allowed anywhere on the premises including the burial ground.

Music and Dancing. We do not hold a public indoor entertainment licence. Users must ensure they have paid all relevant copyright and public performance fees.

General use Please respect the needs of local residents and other users of the building by entering and leaving quietly and by parking considerately.

We reserve the right to cancel a booking in the event of excessive noise or rowdiness.

Children should be supervised at all times, and young children should not be allowed in the Kitchen. Users should not occupy unbooked areas. Please do not stick anything on the walls or notice boards without consent.

Users are advised to make arrangements for access as the user’s organisation will be held responsible for the conduct of people admitted. Users should leave promptly to avoid inconvenience.

Advertising We are pleased to display suitable notices about activities.

Personal safety is the responsibility of the group leaders using our premises. This includes arrangements for protection of children and vulnerable adults. It is the responsibility of the organisers of children’s activities to check whether Disclosure and Barring Service clearance is necessary.

First Aid box and Accident book can be found on the window sill in the kitchen. The Accident Book must be completed in case of any injury, however slight.

Fire exits are clearly marked and users must familiarise themselves with escape routes. Fire exits must be kept shut and clear of obstruction at all times except when being used in an emergency situation.

Insurance it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that they are appropriately insuredagainst liabilities arising from their occupation of the premises.

All costs of damage to the building and its contents arising from user activities must be paid for by users.

Bookings Regular users should ensure bookings are renewed well in advance and not assume automatic renewal. The meeting reserves the right to decline any booking without giving a reason.

Bookings should be made in writing either through this web site or by e-mail.

Booking periods must be adhered to and must include set up and packing up time so as not to interfere with other hirers.

Please note, you may be charged if your booking overruns or delays another hirers session.

Two weeks notice should be given of any cancellations, otherwise users may be charged in full.

Payment Payment may be made by BACS / on-line

Bank Sort code: 20-82-18
Account number: 60656763
Name of Account: Norton Quaker Meeting

Please never send cash. Cheques are very inconvenient for all concerned so please use on line payments wherever possible.

When paying online or by cheque please add a reference that identifies your organization and the day and month of your hiring. So if it were the Prime Minister renting on 1st April 2024 the payment reference might be “PM20240401”.

The Norton Quaker Meeting is part of :-


TCAM is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Charity number: 1184347

The general TCAM booking conditions are available here: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

For General issues or problems with the web site please contact Mark Sheffield at sheffield@ntlworld.com

Thank you!